Staff assessment

美 [stæf əˈsesmənt]英 [stɑːf əˈsesmənt]
  • 网络工作人员薪金税;工作人员薪资税
Staff assessmentStaff assessment
  1. Revenue derived from the staff assessment plan ;


  2. Offset by the same amount under income section I , income from staff assessment ;


  3. According to the actual and the characteristics of the post , more detailed staff assessment indicators were made in the east .


  4. He is well off , it appears , and willing to work for nothing pensionable remuneration less staff assessment


  5. On the one hand , Performance management is a tool of enterprise staff assessment , organizational performance , on the other hand , it also can help the enterprise to achieve strategic objectives .


  6. In order to facilitate a better theory , presented in Chapter III of University Human Resources Optimization Model , namely , human resources optimization model composed of three sub-models : Placement Model , staff assessment model , the brain drain forecast model .


  7. Application of hospital staff performance assessment and issues to which attention should be paid


  8. Thirdly , staff 's assessment about key factors of internal service to success is disparity in different level , which is higher in ordinary and middle staff than in senior staff .


  9. For patrol inspection not implemented as per this regulation , records not completed or untrue , examination shall be carried out as per staff performance assessment of utilities workshop .


  10. The paper presented a quantitative investigation to technical staff 's assessment in professional technical post engagement , and gave a assess - ing norm system combined both the qualitative and quantitative mathod together .


  11. However , a number of others disagreed with the staff 's assessment of the level of the exchange rate , noting that it is based on uncertain forecasts of the current account surplus , they said .


  12. Construction Of High School Teaching Staff Competitive Employment Assessment System


  13. Responsible for departmental staff training and assessment work .


  14. Such as personnel changes occur within the enterprise , staff training , assessment and other titles , the traditional personnel management approach to these changes is very complicated .


  15. Hospital medical staff on the assessment of the performance domestic and abroad is better able to learn from experience , but to assess the hospital administrators performance has been a problem ; there are not many effective methods of assessment .


  16. The staff appraisal system including assessment criteria and procedures is clear .


  17. The teaching process should be controlled and supervised well , such as , the setup of the teaching goal , the selection of the research task , the organization of the research staff , and the assessment of the teaching achievements .


  18. Methods : ( 1 ) Bring medicinal staff 's wages into assessment , reduced the cost ; A Case of that the eunuchs were beaten up by the military guards on duty at Wu Men Gate


  19. Inside , to establish a sound selection , education mechanisms of staff , perfect the assessment mechanism , using the economic man ideological to improve incentive mechanism ; external , focusing on the construction of interaction with customers , to improve the behavior of knowledge production of University library .


  20. Three appraisal performance management of staff , namely the Provincial assessment of the functions of the offices and branches , branch departments and the gas station assessment , the functions of the offices , departments , gas stations , the staff assessment .


  21. This paper selected the method of combinatorial-weighting TOPSIS as the selection method of staff officer candidates , and established the model of staff officer candidates quality assessment and selection . Finally , the result of case study proved theoretical value and practical instructive significance of this work .
